Worship at Central

Learn more about our worship and ministry offerings.

Worship with us every Sunday @ 11 a.m.
We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month.

2676 Clairmont Road, Atlanta GA, 30329

We gather for worship at 11:00 a.m. every Sunday.

Our sermons are inspired by scripture, personal experience, poems and prose, and reflections on local and global happenings. Our music comes from the New Century Hymnal, Sing! Prayer and Praise, and other contemporary sources. At least two services each month include an ASL interpreter. We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month. 

Please see below for a list of all of our different church ministries!


Our 11AM service is best described as “classic style, contemporary theology!” 11AM worship includes our organ, choir, familiar liturgy, and a few expanded sources. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. Children’s Sunday School begins following the Story for All Ages.

This service is available via livestream and on-demand recording!

Every Sunday, except when we have a community luncheon in Fellowship Hall, the Deacons invite guests and members to a small gathering in the commons at 12:00pm. This is an intentional time to socialize and meet each other. We hope you will stick around after worship this Sunday! There is always plenty of delicious food and fresh coffee and a variety of teas. All are welcome!

If you like a variety of music, Central might be the place for you!

There are a number of musical offerings during the worship services at Central. During worship, you’ll hear selections from the New Century Hymnal, Sing! Prayer and Praise, and other contemporary sources.

During the Advent and Easter seasons, we also welcome guest singers and musicians.  So, the odds are high that you’ll hear violins, saxophones, trumpets, flutes, drums, and more!

Interested in singing or playing with the choir? Reach out to Josh, our Director of Music!

Worship at Central is a corporate expression of our three core values: extravagant welcome, continuing testament, and changing lives. The two weekly worship services have both common elements and their individual flavor.

Communion: we practice an “open table” (no one is turned away). We receive the elements by intinction: worshippers come forward, receive a piece of bread and dip it in a common chalice of juice. A gluten-free option is available and the celebrant will bring the elements to those in the pews who need it brought to them. We celebrate Communion every week at First Worship and the first Sunday of the month at the 11:00 Service.

Preaching: we believe that God has yet more Truth and Light to break forth from God’s Holy Word; as such, we strive in our liturgy and preaching to find an integration of heart and mind. Most of the members at Central take the Bible “seriously, but not literally,” even as we wrestle with the wisdom literature and seek to put our faith into action.

Sanctuary: the entire campus, especially the sanctuary, nourishes the soul of many who come to Central. Through the magnificent clear-glass windows we look out in the forest and watch the cycle of the seasons. Indeed, the space is a “sanctuary” to look “outward” and “inward,” to celebrate awe and mystery, and to prayerfully consider faith-in-action in the world.


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