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Can you tell that we really like Sanctified Art? We’ve used their resources for two Seasons of Advent, but this will be our first time using their materials for Lent. As we sat down to think about Lent, we were struck by how readily Sanctified Art’s worship theme aligned with our own thoughts about where and how our congregation is entering this season. Lent is an intentional season of disruption in our daily lives. This year, that disruption is layered atop larger disruptions in our social and political fabric. As a congregation, many of us have already expressed a desire to deepen our relationships with one another and our various community partners. Throughout this season, we’ll meet Jesus and others as they form and reform relationships with people outside the center of power. Together, we’ll witness the power of relationships that disrupt division and the status quo. This series is an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed!
This worship series will follow the Narrative Lectionary, which has a focus on biblical literacy and following the arc of God’s work in the world in canonical order. You can learn more about the Narrative Lectionary here.
intention & action: Luke 9:51-62
Jesus sets out for Jerusalem
stranger & neighbor: Luke 10:25-37 | Rev. Thomas, preaching.
Parable of the Good Samaritan
faith & works: Luke 10:38-42 | Rev. Liz, preaching.
Mary and Martha host Jesus
rest & growth: Luke 13: 6-9 | Rev. Thomas, preaching.
Parable of the Fig Tree
lost & found: Luke 15:1-7 | Rev. Liz, preaching.
Parable of the Lost Sheep
righteousness & mercy: Luke 19:1-10
Zacchaeus greets Jesus
Palm Sunday: shouting & silence
Luke 19:29-40 | Jesus enters Jerusalem
Maundy Thursday: power & humility
Luke 22:1-27 | The Last Supper
Dinner & Service at 7pm
Good Friday: acceptance & resistance
Luke 23:32-49| Jesus dies alongside a penitent thief
grief & hope: Luke 24:1-12
The women grieve and Peter runs to the tomb
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