Central’s Green Team

Green Team is committed to advocating for sustainable practices in our church and in our local community with the belief that these efforts will have impacts at the global scale.

What is the Green Team?

With guidance from Georgia Interfaith Power and Light (GIPL), a nonprofit that helps religious groups organize around environmental issues, Central officially founded its Green Team in November 2023. Since our founding, we have made significant progress towards more sustainable building operations and are excited to get involved in action outside of our own church. Check out our past and upcoming efforts in more detail below!

In keeping with the faith mission of Central Congregational UCC, our Green Team is committed to advocating for sustainable practices in our church and in our local community with the belief that these efforts will have impacts at the global scale. Our efforts focus on reducing consumption and carbon emissions at our church and at home while engaging with the local community to build resilience and understanding for a greener world.

Green Team Monthly Meetings

Green Team meetings are held virtually on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 pm.

  1. Protect the Okefenokee Swamp – here you’ll find information about the fight to protect the Okefenokee Swamp from a titanium mine. Submit a comment to EPD about draft permits for the mine or contact your state and local representatives!
  2. Freedom to Float – learn about possible restrictions to boating and recreation on Georgia rivers. Take action by contacting your state and local representatives.
  3. Protect Old Growth Forests – sign this petition to encourage protection of old growth forests at the national level.

Forever Chemicals (PFAs) – read about emerging contaminants called PFAs and how these endocrine system-disrupting chemicals are leading to lawsuits across the country.

In conjunction with our founding, we worked with GIPL to conduct an energy audit of our church building. This energy audit identified several actionable items that would greatly reduce the church’s carbon footprint. The first of these items was replacing fluorescent lights in the building with more energy-efficient, LED lights. In December of 2023, our Green Team was awarded a Powerwise Grant through GIPL to install LED lights. LED light installation was completed early this year.

Future efforts to reduce the carbon impact of our building include exploration of solar panel installation, roll out of composting, and improvements to our recycling practices.

Efforts at the church are meant to serve as an educational opportunity for members and visitors. As the Green Team implements LED lighting, solar, composting, and improved recycling, we will equip church attendees with the knowledge to implement these practices at home.

Central’s Green Team recognizes that our privilege protects us from the worst impacts of climate change and environmental degradation. Therefore, we will focus on environmental action beyond our church and homes. Green Team members attended the annual Green Team Summit hosted by GIPL in February 2024. Here, members learned about ways that we can participate in broader, faith-based efforts towards sustainability and environmental justice. We invite you to look through the current issues listed below and take action as you are able.

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