The first day of school is just around the corner! Join us for our annual celebration and blessing for the start of the new school year. ALL students, teachers, and staff, from all levels of school are invited to bring their backpack, tote bag, or briefcase to church for a special blessing and moment of celebration during the 11AM worship service on Sunday, August 4th. 

This year, we’re going BIGGER! We’re adding a church picnic & a mission offering.

Church Picnic: After worship, we’ll gather in the Fellowship Hall for a BBQ picnic. We’ll provide the main dish. Please bring a side dish to share. Since it’s the first Sunday of the month, we’ll also have birthday cake to celebrate!

MISSION: We need your help! We’re on a mission to support 25 students at Montclair Elementary School with their school supplies this year. $50 will cover one student for the whole year! $25 will cover a student for one semester. Will you help a student get a head start on an awesome school year? You can donate online or via cash/check in the offering plate. Our deadline for this project is Sunday, July 28th.