Enrich your Christmas shopping at the Alternative Gift Market now thru Sunday, December 31st. Using the link at the end of this page, you will find a video presentation of alternative gifts: descriptions, an order form, and instructions on payment. You will also be able to print a description of the gift to include in a card if you wish to honor someone on your gift list.
Local gift categories: Montclair Elementary School, Lost-N-Found Youth, and Casa Alterna.
Worldwide projects: Humanity and Inclusion (Landmine Eradication) and Global Ministries School Child Sponsorship.
Church World Service gift projects include: Animals, Children, Education, Food & Agriculture, Water, and Kits & Blankets. (There are lots of refugee gifts included in several of the categories.)
With the Alternative Gift Market there are many opportunities to address critical local and worldwide needs during these challenging times. Choose gifts that give back, gifts that touch hearts and change lives. Add extra love and joy to your Christmas list this year!
Email Joyce M-B.