YOU are welcome here!

We know it isn’t easy to find a new faith community, but we would love to welcome you to Central! In this place of stone and glass, you’ll find a progressive Christian community of diverse beliefs and experiences. Here, you’ll be in a place that welcomes you exactly as you are.

Asian, Black, Brown, White? You’re welcome here!
LGBTQIA+ You’re welcome here!
Have more doubt than faith? You’re welcome here!
Divorced? Widowed? You’re welcome here!
Clear in what you believe? You’re welcome here!
Introverted? Extroverted? Somewhere in between? You’re welcome here!
Kids and Teens? Yes, Yes, Yes!! You’re welcome here!

Never heard of the UCC before? Check out “A Place Like No Other.”

Joining Central

Central joyfully welcomes you into the life of this congregation, whether you’re visitor, long-time friend, or just stopping by! Membership is an opportunity to more deeply mark your relationship to Central by sharing our church covenant.


Members are also asked to service on boards and committees, and to vote in congregational meetings.

We offer opprunities to participate in our New Member conversations each quarter in March, June, September, and December.

Reach out to Rev. Thomas for more information.